Saturday, May 23, 2009

Check in

I weighed in at 152 this week. Looks like I’m losing 1 lb a week and I’m very happy with the progress I’ve made so far. I also fit into my jeans again, which makes momma very happy. I know I said I wasn’t going to start shopping until I hit my goal weight of 150, but since I’m 152 and my boobs weight 2 lbs each (at least) I consider myself under 150. :) Whatever, I just want to start shopping already! My closet is fully of big shirts to hide my once there pregnant belly and clothes that are 2-3 years old…or more! I still have a shirt hanging that hubby gave me 10 years ago! In a way it’s nice that I still fit into clothes I wore 10 years ago, but I need to give it up. I don’t want to be put on “What Not To Wear” (I love that show, btw).

I’m still training for the triathlon and my sister and I are pretty scared for the hills that are to come the day of. After the triathlon is done I’ll be changing up my workout routine. Some of the fat is gone, so now I need to start toning up. I think more weight training and boxing is in order.

That’s all for now…gotta go pick up my brother from the airport. Stay tuned to see how it goes with meeting his new girlfriend and if he’ll be up for telling me when he’s going to get a divorce from the other chick.

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