Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Last night was spent celebrating hubby's 30th birthday. We went out to our favorite happy hour spot (of course no drinking for me) and were joined by our Austin friends. For a work night and being the old farts that we are, I was happily surprised to find that everyone showed up...and stayed out for dinner. Of course hubby was given tons of nasty shots back to back and was well on his way to passing out... quick, which he did eventually do (sorry, Babe...that's just what you do).

There were four of us left when dinner was done and after a few last shots and letting the guys finish flirting with the waitress at our first stop, we headed to another bar for another nasty shot and a third bar for the dirtiest shot of all. The guys flipped through the drink menu and came upon a shot that would accelerate the death of hubby's night. Absinthe. They it took down like a champ, with the help of my hot chocolate chaser. After the inevitable drunken deep converstations about life, we headed back to the first place for more shots and more flirting with the waitress. 10 shots and several drinks later, we made our way home, but the entertainment was not quite over for me. Trying to walk a grown ass, drunk man to the car, into the house, upstairs and into bed has been the most difficult task I've had to do as a pregnant high heels no less! It was good times and hubby loved every minute of it. So thanks to everyone who made it out and got my husband drunk. It was a successful Dirty Thirty birthday.

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Will Smith more

Ah Monday's. Monday's are the days I get emails for the dish on what's happening this week in my pregnancy. Hubby and I were both shocked to read that we have 42 days to go before our little Olivia arrives! That's 6 weeks before our lives change for ever...1 month and 1/2 closer until I can lie on my stomach, drink a margarita and have sushi or a caesar salad. 42 days closer until I can run until my legs and/or lungs give up on me. I miss all these things, but there is one thing I will miss the most that I will never get back once I have access to these treasures. Being just the two of us.

This is something we will never have again…the real quality time together without interruptions, without a worry or care…without anyone else on our minds but each other. I’ve married the man of my dreams and life with him, just me and him, is pretty effin awesome. This sounds pretty selfish, I know, but I’m just being honest here. I haven’t had a freak out my entire pregnancy, so I’m allowed to have this one teeny emotional tumble now. The only other (not so teeny) breakdown I had was when I thought I lost my late grandmother’s pendant. But that only lasted 5 minutes before hubby found it in my makeup brush bag, so it wasn’t that big of a breakdown. Back to the threesome anxiety…Hubby and I have always wanted a family. Sure I'm anxious about it now…don’t most folks in my situation?...but I can’t wait to meet our daughter. I want to meet her so badly right now. I’m going to miss it just being two of us (so much that I get waterworks just thinking about it), but we’re taking the next step into our relationship. We’ve mastered what’s been thrown at us thus far….and we’re ready for what’s next. A little happy (possibly crazy) family…Just the three of us…for now…

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Breaking Free

I’ve been thinking about creating a blog for sometime, but I never knew what it’d be about or if I’d have the time to keep it up. That’s why I’d like to think I never started a blog anyway. The real story…I’ve always been too afraid to write. I was scared of it. Scared that I was a bad writer. Scared to have people reading my writing. Scared to have people judging it. Of course these are just stupid feelings, so it’s my fault really...but not 100%. I put partial (most) blame one person who played a key role in traumatizing me into never wanting to write again…Professor Brown. That man never gave my paper a grade higher than a C. It was heartbreaking really…I tried really effin hard on all those papers and instead of beer bonging and going to foam parties at clubs, I was working my butt off writing papers for Professor Brown’s class. Ok, so I may have not been old enough to get into the clubs, but beer bonging was an activity I could have easily participated in instead of writing papers for hours and hours and delivering them with such confidence…only to receive a freaking C. Well, I’m not going to let Professor Brown or all those stupid feelings stop me anymore. Be it good or bad writing…I’m going to write! I must warn you that it will probably be bad.

Ok, I feel better now…so what am I going to write about, you ask? Stuffs. I’m going to write about stuffs. I will be giving birth to my first child in March and The Daily Olive Juice, for me, is a place I wanted to record my progress as I get back into pre-pregnancy (or better) shape. I’ll most likely also chronicle my life as a new mother and supply lessons learned, products and methods that have helped me along the way. You’ll also get pizza reviews from me every once in a while…yes, I understand this may wreck my plan to get into shape. Other than that, I’m pretty sure I’ll be writing about other stuffs as well…so stay tuned.